The Daily News

The Daily News is an American newspaper founded in 1919. The newspaper is based in New York City, and is one of the most widely distributed newspapers in the United States. The Daily News has won numerous awards for journalism, including the Pulitzer Prize for Public Service. It is known for its sensational pictorial coverage and its willingness to go further than other newspapers in pursuing attention-grabbing front page headlines. In 1928, a reporter strapped a camera to his leg to capture the image of Ruth Snyder being electrocuted in the electric chair. The next day the Daily News ran a front page headline with the image, which became the symbol of the paper’s success.

The newspaper was once one of the largest in the United States, with a peak circulation of just under a million. However, its readership steadily declined throughout the 20th century, and as a result its profits were dwindling. In 1978, the paper was forced to close for nearly three months due to a multi-union strike. The Daily News was purchased in 1981 by Mort Zuckerman, owner of The Atlantic. He was able to purchase the paper for $36 million, less than half of what controversial British media mogul Conrad Black had offered for it. In order to revitalize the publication, Zuckerman invested $60 million into the paper, and repositioned it as a serious tabloid. He also negotiated with several of the newspaper’s ten unions, bringing the 147-day strike to an end.

In the 21st century, the Daily News struggled with declining circulation, and in 2015, it was reported that it had lost over half of its readership since 2000. However, its re-entry into the market during the Trump presidency provided an opportunity for the Daily News to re-establish itself as a credible news source and to appeal to the same demographic as other popular New York media outlets. This was achieved by using a more provocative tone and style, including such headlines as “TRUMP TO CITY: DROP DEAD” and by giving Republican Senator Ted Cruz the middle finger via the Statue of Liberty’s hand.

This daily current affairs for upsc article covers important national and international news. It also provides detailed coverage of government initiatives and policies that promote economic growth. This includes the stock markets, GDP growth, inflation and more. In addition, the article features questions and resources to help students understand the news story. This is an excellent resource for teachers and parents who want to teach their children about important events and current affairs. Please note that the Daily News article is available only for educational purposes and may not be used commercially. If you would like to use this article in a classroom, please contact us for permission. Thank you!