Entertaiment 101

Entertaiment is a vast area of activity and encompasses everything from a simple, private entertainment choice made by an individual to an enormous, global industry. It can involve music, dance and art; it may take the form of a feast for two; or it might be an elaborate ceremony, festival, celebration or even satire. It can be lighthearted or serious, but it always has some sense of amusement attached to it.

New apps are released all the time and it can be hard to keep track of them all. Informing readers about the best new apps out there is a great entertainment article idea that will excite and inform people at the same time.

When writing an entertainment article, it’s important to remember who you’re writing for. Asking yourself the 5 W’s (who, where, when, why) will help you to format your article in a way that suits your audience’s needs.