What Is Law New?

Law new refers to a variety of business models and practices that are transforming how law is conducted. This includes, but is not limited to, a growing number of start-ups, alternative legal services providers (ALSPs) and law firm subsidiaries augmenting traditional legal service offerings. These firms are challenging the traditional ways that lawyers deliver legal services, and they require law firms to be prepared to work with them or risk being left behind.

Creating a new law often begins with an idea for policy change, such as one put forth by a senator’s constituents or an organization advocating for a particular position. These ideas are often submitted in the form of a bill. Drafting a bill is a complex process that involves reviewing existing laws and regulations, determining whether the proposed legislation would accomplish its intended goal and then drafting language to address any potential issues.

Once a bill has been drafted, it can be considered for passage by the legislative body. Typically, several amendments are made to a bill before it is passed and becomes law. During this process, there is debate about the merits of the legislation and whether it should include or exclude certain parts of the Constitution or other legal documents. The legislation may also be amended to make it more cost-effective.

When a bill is passed, it’s sent to the Mayor who has 30 days to sign the legislation into law, veto the legislation or take no action. If the Mayor vetoes the legislation, it’s returned to Council which can override the Mayor’s veto with a 2/3 vote. Once the legislation is signed into law, it’s added to the New York State Consolidated Laws and/or City Charter.

City agencies are required to notify persons whose private information is affected by a data breach. The proposed legislation will amend the City’s data breach notification rules to clarify requirements and make them more consistent with New York State law. The Ogletree Deakins Labor & Employment Group will continue to monitor developments in these areas and provide regular updates on our Background Checks, Drug Testing, Employers’ Liability, Family & Medical Leave, Pay Equity, Multistate Compliance, and Wage & Hour blogs. We invite you to subscribe to these blogs and to visit our LawNews YouTube channel to learn more about the latest in legal news and developments. If you have questions or comments, please contact us. We look forward to hearing from you!