The new year brought some major changes to law new. In fact, Gov. Kathy Hochul signed 730 bills that will impact residents statewide, including raising the minimum wage in New York City and Westchester. She also signed legislation to better protect residents from water and security issues. It requires NYCHA to notify tenants within 24 hours about whether their water is safe for drinking and cooking. Additionally, it prohibits building owners from installing keyless security devices that can allow unauthorized access to buildings.
These are just a few of the laws that will change the lives of New Yorkers in 2022 and beyond. A more in-depth look at the new laws can be found on DCWP’s Legislation webpage. This includes federal, state and City laws. It also includes ordinances, resolutions, initiatives, regulations, rules, laws and policies of City Council, Boards, Commissions, Departments and Agencies that are enacted or adopted after January 1 and not otherwise codified in the Consolidated Laws.
This includes the Constitution, laws passed by Congress and the New York Legislature, and laws enacted and amended by City agencies. It also includes ordinances, resolutions, and initiatives of the City Council, Boards, Commissions, departments and agencies, as well as the rates, terms, conditions and guidelines governing the construction, operation, maintenance and repair of Wireless Installation on public infrastructure and in rights-of-way that are different from those set forth in the Agreement.
New law is not an easy concept to define. It could mean a variety of things from working with underserved communities to creating legal strategies that have not been part of traditional practice in the past. While these concepts might seem far afield from the traditional practice of law, they can provide valuable legal services and help meet client needs. A well thought out plan making use of new law techniques can be a beneficial and profitable addition to any firm. This is one area of practice that deserves closer examination and exploration by all those who want to be at the forefront of legal innovation. Featured image credit: New York City.