Law New

The legal profession is a field that is constantly changing. New clients and new challenges arise at a rapid pace, so it is important for attorneys to always be open to the idea of “law new.” The concept of law new refers to finding ways to deliver legal services in a completely different way than was ever before possible. This can mean working with underserved communities or coming up with strategies that have never been a part of traditional legal practice in the past.

The Center makes City and State government more transparent, understandable, and effective through news and explainer articles; research and analysis; a variety of public events with expert guests; in-depth podcast conversations; and other methods. NYLS students and the general public are welcome to join the Center as affiliates to gain practical experience and build a network for future employment in civic leadership.

A bill is a proposal for a new law or for a change to an existing law. A senator’s staff may draft a bill, or it could be drafted by an interested party such as a constituent or citizen group. Once a bill has been introduced, it goes through the legislative process that includes hearings and debate. If the bill is passed, it goes to the Governor for signature or veto. If the Governor vetoes the bill, it must be overridden by two-thirds of the members of each house of the Legislature.

This legislation would require third-party food delivery services to obtain a license from the Department. It also repeals subchapter 22 of chapter 5 of title 20 of the Administrative Code that contains the existing laws regulating these services.

DCWP is taking steps to make it easier for employers to comply with laws that protect workers from bias in the hiring process. These rules will clarify requirements for conducting a pre-screening interview and for notifying applicants about their results. They will also allow employers to use self-checking questionnaires to ensure that their hiring practices do not violate federal and state anti-discrimination laws.

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