Business news is a broad genre of journalism that covers the activities and changes in the economic environment in which individuals, companies, governments and other organizations operate. It encompasses everything from market movements and corporate reporting to the financial industry, investments and trading. Business news can be delivered in multiple formats including articles, videos, tables and charts. It is important for the financial community to stay up-to-date on business news because it can have a positive, negative or neutral effect on investing and trading outcomes.
For example, a stock market crash or political instability in a country can affect the value of an investment portfolio, leading to losses. Conversely, a positive trend in the economy can lead to an increase in stock prices, which can increase investor confidence and yield returns.
Depending on the definition used, business can also include the organized production or sale of goods conducted for the purpose of generating profit by satisfying human desires. A company can be a private enterprise run for profit or a public corporation that is owned by citizens and operated for the benefit of society.
The Library of Congress provides access to a variety of print and microform business news sources. The collection includes general interest publications such as newspapers and magazines, and trade publications focusing on specific industries. For more information about finding business-related news in the Library, see our guide to Business Research Sources.
While the majority of business news sources will cover both domestic and international events, some will focus on a particular region or country. For this reason, users may need to adopt more specific search strategies when identifying regional business news sources.
With a background in writing and editing, Monica Dyer is well-versed in the editorial process at Business News Daily. She uses her skills to objectively review all content to ensure it is clear, concise and grammatically correct. She is the copy chief at the company and a California native with extensive national editorial experience. She has worked for a number of large newspapers, including USA Today. She holds a bachelor’s degree in journalism from Howard University in Washington, D.C.