The Role of News in Our Culture


Broadcasting can inspire, educate and illuminate people, but it’s not the same thing as News. The truth is that broadcast news doesn’t change the world. The news you get from your television is advertising, not revolutionary information. Liberal propaganda isn’t News. Let’s consider the role of news in our culture today. Let’s look at three different types of news. The following are the three most common types of News. They represent the liberal perspective on the news, and their respective benefits and drawbacks.

Soft news

Soft media is the entire range of organizations that deal with the arts, entertainment, and lifestyle. These organizations may take the form of print articles, television shows, and magazines. Soft news also includes blogs and online discussions. The media that are considered “soft” are those that do not directly affect the mainstream media. But they are just as influential in their own way. Soft news may even impact the political scene. Here’s a closer look at some of the most influential organizations in soft news.

Stories that make readers say, ‘Gee Whiz’

The ability to make readers ‘Gee Whiz’ has long plagued science journalists. This kind of news can be interesting, but the key is in its presentation. Short, clear, picturesque, and interesting news stories should evoke an ‘aww’ in readers. The AP’s Ron Charles points to a recent story that demonstrates the power of ‘Gee Whiz’ stories.

Stories that contain positive overtones

While negative news may appear more frequently in the news, the opposite is also true. Positive news stories have overtones of hope and success. The same holds true for stories about a successful invention, a peaceful settlement of a dispute, the release of hostages, or the stock market’s recent upswing. In contrast, negative news stories typically feature events such as conflict, natural disasters, electoral fraud, destruction, political unrest, or even national bankruptcy.

Stories that are exclusive

While generating buzz with an exclusive story is essential, journalists should be aware of the risks. By definition, an exclusive story gives one journalist authority to publish it, but if that story is negative, it will be reported by all newsrooms in the country. Consequently, journalists should research their target audiences to choose the most relevant story. Identifying a journalist with a large audience is crucial. Once you have identified the journalist, you need to write a compelling story.

Stories that are shareable

Not all user stories are shareable. Some may have reached the message request panel, while others may have already vanished after 24 hours. In these cases, you can look at your profile and content to find the reason why they have not been re-shared. It may also be because the user is using a private account or his/her smartphone is outdated. Then, you can choose whether to save the publication to the archive or mark it as private.