What Is Law New?

law new

The legal profession is a dynamic place where clients’ needs and demands change quickly. As a result, lawyers need to be flexible and adaptable to meet those changes. For many, one way to do this is through the concept of “law new.” Law new encompasses a wide range of ideas, but it generally refers to the idea of providing legal services in innovative ways. This can include working with underserved communities to create programs that help them, finding unique ways to reach out to clients and creating strategies that may not have been a part of traditional law practice in the past.

The people’s right to review the process of governmental decision making, including documents and statistics that form the basis for determinations, is fundamental to our democracy. Those decisions should not be cloaked in secrecy or privacy.

This issue of Law News provides an overview of recent legislative activity in the District and highlights two important cases related to federal legislation. In addition, an article on a judicially sponsored project to address racial profiling and other law enforcement issues is featured. Finally, a note on the passing of a longtime member of the NYU Law community is included.

How Our Laws Are Made

Congress is the lawmaking branch of the federal government. Learn about the legislative process from the drafting of a bill to its passage into law. A bill is a proposed law that can originate from a sitting senator or representative or from a citizen group petitioning the members of Congress who represent them. Once a bill is introduced, it is assigned to a committee whose members will research and discuss it. Once a committee votes to recommend approval of the bill, it becomes law. The final law is a statute, also known as a statute of laws.

State & Local Law News provides information concerning current developments in the law of interest to state and local government lawyers, news about Section activities and other matters of professional interest to Section members. The newsletter is published quarterly.

This issue contains a number of articles concerning recent developments in the law of interest to state and municipal finance lawyers, news about Section activities and other matters for professional development. The newsletter is published quarterly.

This issue contains a number of articles concerning the current status of and developments in international law and policy. The newsletter is published quarterly. The newsletter is available to all Section members. The newsletter is available in PDF format. If you would like to receive a hard copy of the newsletter, please contact the Section office.